Guest Information

Wiener stadttempel innenraum

Dear guests,

You can find the Minyan times at the Vienna Great Synagogue (Wiener Stadttempel) here.

If you want to visit the Great Synagogue to join a prayer within the prayer times and you are not a member of the IKG, you must register at least 3 days before your proposed visit to the synagogue, with a copy of your passport and your phone number. Please send an e-mail to:

For security reasons, please bring photo ID with you and allow time for the necessary security checks.

If you are looking for kosher restaurants, you can find a map here

The Restaurant Alef Alef is next to the Stadttempel and offers meals on Shabbat.

For guided tours of the Great Synagogue please contact our InfoPoint - Jewish Vienna.

The current status of the Vienna Eruv you can check here.