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Board of Directors and Commissions


Board of Directors

The Board of Directors consists of 24 leading figures (Directors) and is elected by members of the Community every 5 years.

The Board of Directors is the supreme decision-making body of the Community. Its remit encompasses all matters relating to religion, education, social affairs, security and external relations, along with all the Community's business affairs. The Board of Directors decides on key guidelines, makes essential decisions, determines fundamental objectives and ensures that they are properly implemented.

It meets on a monthly basis.
Dates are available from the General Secretariat on tel. + 43 / 1 / 53 104-199.


The commissions are made up of religious leaders and members of the Community. They are advisory bodies and carry out preparatory work for the Board of Directors. The following commissions have been established:

·       Commission for Religious Affairs

·       Commission for Cultural and PR Work

·       Commission for Finance and Personnel Matters

·       Commission for Social Affairs

·       Commission for Education

·       Commission for Real Estate Affairs, Building Management and Technology

·       Commission for Youth and Sport

·       Control Commission

·       Commission for Fundraising

·       Contribution Assessment Commission

·       Commission for Women and Family

·       Commission on Bylaws

·       Commission for Immigration

·       Advisory boards and boards of affiliated religious community associations, foundations or companies

·       Advisory Board of JFS-Jüdische Friedhofsanierungs GmbH (JFS Jewish cemetery restoration company)

·       Advisory Board of MKA-Errichtungs- und Betriebs GmbH (construction company)

·       Advisory Board of JMV-Jüdische Medien- und Verlags GmbH (Jewish media and publishing company)

·       Tmicha association

·       ZPC School Association

·       Commission for the award of the Torberg and Bundesverbands- Medal