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The President of the Jewish Community of Vienna is elected by the Board of Directors. He represents the Jewish Community to the outside world, leads meetings of the Board of Directors and is responsible for arranging and monitoring the implementation of decisions by the Board of Directors and Advisory Board. The two Vice-Presidents are each elected by the Board of Directors for half of the legislative term.

Presidium - the elected leadership of the IKG

2023 Oskar Deutsch

Oskar Deutsch

Oskar Deutsch has been President of the Jewish Community of Vienna since 2012. He also serves as President of the Jewish Religious Community and thus represents Jewish communities at national level as well as in Vienna.

I am happy that we are working together to build a vibrant Jewish life in Vienna and Austria and secure the future for generations to come. We are a diverse community whose strength lies in its unity.


Claudia Prutscher 2023

Claudia Prutscher

Claudia Prutscher is a member of the Office of the President and Chair of the Cultural Commission of IKG Vienna. She is responsible for cultural activities and focuses on maintaining the visibility of the Jewish community in Vienna and building bridges within the community and with the outside world. She is also Chair of the Commission for Social Affairs and in this capacity works with ESRA for the welfare of members of the community.

For me, building bridges within the community for the good of all its members - by organising cultural events and providing mutual support - is both my duty and my motivation.

Tel: +43/1/531 04 – 0
Fax: +43/1/53 104 – 108

Präsident Oskar Deutsch
Sprechstunden nach telefonischer Vereinbarung